Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Every Camper Needs

– – Very early in my camping experience we were preparing dinner when I asked one of my fellow campers for the cooking utensils she said she would bring. Sadly, they were 110 miles away on her kitchen drain board: we used an axe to flip the burgers. Even more cheerless was the fact that the eating utensils were next to the cooking utensils on that very same drain board 110 miles away.

– – Enter the Camptinerary™. A way to organize your trip, track attendance, inventory and check readiness, and get names to commit to helping out. I also have an Inventory Listing by alphabetical order so that when you need to find that same axe used to flip burgers you know it's under the rear left passenger seat of my Land Rover! If you want a copy of these two documents, in Microsoft Office Word 2003 format, email me and I’ll send you a copy.

– – Camptinerary™ and Winetinerary™ (based on years of experience in Napa Valley) are trademarks I own and share as common domain. Happy Camping!